Rehome Request Form Rehome Form Rehome Form Any false statements on this application will disqualify you from rehoming your dog with Dogs Forever. Factors that affect our decision to accept a dog into our care include the direness of the circumstances and the availability of either a kennel at our shelter or a foster home. Today's Date: * YOUR INFORMATION Legal First and Last Name: * Address * City * State * AKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVAVTWAWIWVWY Zip Code * Phone * Phone Type: CellLandlineWork Email Address * Are you the dog's owner? If not, what is your relationship to owner? * Is the dog currently in your care? If not, where is the dog located? * Note: We generally do NOT accept a dog without meeting them in their current home. Please provide some dates/times that would work for our Intake Lead to visit: * DOG INFORMATION Name of Dog: * Age of Dog: * Weight of Dog: * Breed of Dog: * How certain are you of your dog’s breed? * Have you already tried contacting any breed-specific rescue organizations? If yes, have you heard from them? Please put N/A if not applicable: * Gender of dog: * Male - Neutered Male - Not Neutered Female - Spayed Female - Not Spayed Is the dog microchipped? * Yes No Please check all vaccinations and tests that are up to date or within the last year. If accepted, you'll be required to show proof. * Rabies 1 year Rabies 3 year DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo) Lyme and Lepto Bordetella Heartworm Test 4DXL: Test all four tick borne diseases Not up to date on vaccinations/tests Vaccination/test status unknown If your dog was tested for Heartworms, was the result positive or negative: Positive Negative Is the dog on a monthly Heartworm preventative? If yes, list brand and last date it was given. * Is the dog on a Flea & Tick preventative? If yes, list brand and last date it was given. * If your dog is not up to date, are you willing and able to get them up to date on their vaccinations and tests needed? * Yes No Where is the dog from? (Breeder/Store/Shelter/Other - if other, please explain: * If you obtained your dog from a breeder or a no-kill rescue organization, have you already contacted them to ask about their return/relinquishment policy? If not from breeder or no-kill rescue, please put N/A: * How long have you had this dog? * Are there any health issues or concerns? If yes, please explain. * Does your dog require prescription medications for a chronic condition? If yes, please specify. If no, please put N/A: * Are you being forced to rehome your dog because of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)? * Yes No VETERINARIAN AND GROOMING/HANDLING INFORMATION Veterinarian's Location: * Veterinarian's Name: * Veterinarian's Number: * How does the dog behave when taken to the vet? * How does the dog handle nail trims? * How does the dog handle being groomed? (Baths, Brushing) * DOG BEHAVIOR AND HABITS Is the dog used to a fenced in yard, tie-out, or no fence? * What brand of food does the dog eat and how much per day? Please list BRAND and AMOUNT PER DAY. * What treats does the dog like? * Where does the dog sleep? * Is the dog potty trained/house trained? How are they in a kennel? * How does your dog walk on a leash or harness? (ie: great, not good, reactive, needs work etc.) * How many hours on average is your dog left alone without a break? * Where is the dog when you are gone? (Inside/Outside/Free Roam/Kennel?) * How often does your dog get to spend outdoors vs indoors? * Do you have other dogs in the home? * Does the dog have any behavioral issues? If so, please describe the issues with specific examples. * If you listed behavioral issues above, have you tried enlisting a professional trainer? What were the results? If no behavioral issues listed above, please put N/A: * How does the dog react to small children? * How does the dog react to older children, men and/or women? * How does the dog react to cats? * How does the dog react to other dogs? (both large and small breeds?) * What, if anything, is the dog afraid of? (i.e.: thunder, fireworks, car rides, other) * Does the dog have a bite history? If so, describe the incident(s): who was bitten (child, adult, other pet), number of incidents, circumstances. * Have you tried to re-home by other any online rehoming services (e.g. Adopt-a-Pet, Facebook)? * What is your reason for wanting to relinquish this dog? * Please share any known and noteworthy information about your dog’s history? * What is your rehome time frame? * Urgent (within a week) Within the next two weeks Within the next two months As soon as a suitable home can be found Because our shelter is small, we can save more dogs when current owners foster the dog they want to rehome. As your dog's foster, you would be required to bring your dog to the shelter on Saturdays for our Open Hours from 10-2 so potential adopters can meet them. Would you be willing/able to foster your own dog until we have room? * Yes No After submitting this form you'll need to email in photos of your dog. Subject line: REHOME (and your dog's name) to the following email address: [email protected]. By submitting this form you recognize you need to email in photos. * Yes No This rehome request is not a guarantee of Dogs Forever being able to accept your dog. If we are able to help, we will reach out. At that time you will be required to provide vet records and we will schedule a meet and greet with the dog. Please acknowledge this statement by typing YES in the box. * I certify all the information provided on this rehome form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand the Dogs Forever is not obliged to accept my rehome request. Dogs Forever reserves the right to deny an application for any reason. * Signature If you are human, leave this field blank.